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League of Women Voters
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Why Should I Bother to Vote?

Daniela R Birch | Published on 2/14/2024

Your Vote Matters!


Elections affect every area of our lives, from jobs to racial justice. When we choose our representatives by voting, we’re choosing the people who will make decisions that shape the direction of our country and our communities, defining what access we'll have to health care, how our natural resources will be managed, or what subjects are taught in our public schools. Thus, we all want to select candidates for offices at city, county, state, and federal levels who share our values and perspective whenever possible. 


For example, votes for a local school board can make a big difference in what children learn in local schools. A school board in Bucks County, Pennsylvania hired a  consultant with no experience in education curriculum. He brought a  plan to the Pennridge school board that would have removed books from the school's curriculum and provided a whitewashed view of the Civil War and slavery in America's history. The board approved the new curriculum plan in late August, but parents in the community objected. What's more, they nominated new candidates for the school board and won all the seats in early November. By late November, the newly-elected board canceled the contract with the consultant. Each vote counted and together, they changed the direction of their school district curriculum. 

Closer to home, the City of Snohomish changed its form of government in 2016 from a council-manager to a mayor-council system by a margin of just 11 votes. Again, local votes had a big effect on the community direction. Be sure to have your say on the ballot!